Bulldogs of Butler: Carly Allen


Junior Carly Allen is trying to balance jobs, schoolwork and free time.

With 12 minutes left before her next class, the Columbus, Ohio, native is lounging on a couch in the College of Education, busily typing away on her laptop.

As a mathematics and middle/secondary education double major, classes are her biggest struggle right now.

“I feel like I quit a lot for this semester, but for some reason I am just still as busy,” she said.

Allen recently gave up a leadership position in her sorority as well as her job as a recruitment counselor to help free up her schedule, she said.

Aside from classes, Allen currently leads a freshman women’s Bible study as part of the ministry Campus Crusades for Christ and teaches at a middle school to help fulfill her student-teaching requirement.

“I am doing math with eighth graders,” she said. “It rocks.”

When she has free time, she said, she loves spending time outside.

But during the winter, she likes to spend time at Panera Bread with a good book.

“I never get to do this, but I love reading,” she said. “I don’t like coffee, but I drink hot chocolate, and I think it looks pretty hipster. I just sit and read.”

She said her passion for reading was reinforced her freshman year at Butler University when she took a children’s literature class.

“I am just, like, secretly obsessed with teenage fiction,” she joked.

In the end, Allen said she does not know why she hasn’t had more time to herself, to read or to enjoy Indianapolis’ unpredictable weather.

“You think you are really busy, and then you start looking at your resume, and you are like, ‘Wait. I don’t do anything,’” she said.


Photo by Erin Marsh

