Flashing Kindness


World Kindness Day is celebrated each year on Nov. 13 to remind people kindness connects us all.

“The purpose of World Kindness Day is to look beyond ourselves—beyond the boundaries of our country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion, and realize that we are citizens of the world and that kindness is the common thread that unites us all,” according to its website.

Logo courtesy of Life Vest Inside

Logo courtesy of Life Vest Inside

The third annual Dance for Kindness, in honor of World Kindness Day, was held over the weekend. Thousands of people participated in more than 30 countries to support the movement.

A group clad in orange performed a flash mob on Monument Circle in downtown Indianapolis as part of the event.

It was junior Robyn Jutsum’s first flash mob.

“It was neat to see people of all different ages participated and how we were all connected through the movement and the goal,” she said. “The best part was seeing the community in action.”

Life Vest Inside, a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading kindness, initiated the International Dance for Kindness in 2012.

At the Dance for Kindness, groups from across the world come together to perform the same dance to the same song on the same day.

Life Vest Inside spreads positivity and helps people recognize their potential to make real change across the globe through kindness. Like a life vest, kindness can keep the world afloat, according to the organization’s website.

The nonprofit spreads positivity through educational programs and social media.

The Dance for Kindness is the organization’s way to develop worldwide engagement for members of the community.

This year’s flash mob started with a three-minute freeze mob where the performers hit a pose meant to represent kindness.

The poses varied, with some people hugging and others pretending to take pictures for a group.

The purpose of the three-minute hiatus was to prove opportunities of kindness are everywhere, people need only stop and pay attention.

You can start your own wave of kindness tomorrow. What are you going to do to celebrate World Kindness Day?

