OPINION | Yes, we have a parking problem

Even in the midst of midterm- exam season, mumbled curses and nervous breakdowns on Butler University’s campus are likely to occur when someone has a parking drama.

Despite a deficit of 1,412 parking spaces and growing concern in the community, Butler’s administration still has taken little visible major action to bridge this gap constructively.

The actions they have taken have only increased the tensions over this situation, such as the towing of Lambda Chi Alpha members’ cars and the debate over the parking spots near Phi Delta Theta.

Instead of these complicated schemes and punishments that don’t re-envision Butler’s parking situation, The Collegian calls on Butler’s administration to form a clear solution, and soon.

A parking garage could be constructed, and not in the long term when the situation only worsens as more students come to Butler with cars in tow.

Since other buildings such as the Howard L. Schrott Center for the Performing and Visual Arts  are being built and other renovations are planned, a moderately sized parking garage built in the near future could make the situation more manageable.

The $12,000 per space price tag of  structured parking will be expensive, but it will be the best option. It will keep the city off of Butler’s back when it looks to develop further, and it will make students, faculty and staff content.

Another drastic but effective move? Freshman parking could be prohibited, clearing many of these 1,412 non-existent parking spots. Eliminating freshman resident parking permits, while controversial, would create some breathing room for faculty, staff, and students who have greater transit needs.

Student parking pass prices could be raised substantially, reducing the desire for parking passes. This proposal will keep people who only use their cars casually from wanting a pass.

Administrative funding could also bolster programs already set up, such as the Student Government Association-sponsored shuttle system. By improving these programs, the administration will improve the parking situation while supporting community ideas, which would be good for public relations.

The community recognizes a parking issue and has solutions to resolve the issue. Any of these ideas, if used by the administration, would alleviate the parking crisis. The problem here is not a lack of ideas or communication from the community but a lack of major action.

Butler simply needs the administration, with its power and funding, to take the reins and construct a solution like it is supposed to do.

While any administrative solution will be met with controversy, a substantial one will ultimately be a sigh of relief compared to the well-intentioned yet unhelpful resolutions the administration has started.

Yes, some of these solutions will be costly and understandably difficult to complete. But it is time for the administration to admit, yes, we have a parking problem, and it needs to be fixed soon.


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