Tag Archives: Tim Hardy

A Love Story, Retold

WRITTEN BY GINNY SPELLMAN, STAFF REPORTER How do you retell one of the most poignant love stories ever written? A modern interpretation of William Shakespeare’s play “Romeo and Juliet” must find a way to cut through the other adaptations. It must be fresh, current and relevant. Butler University’s theatre department will present its own original

Shakespeare specialist returns to theatre department for semester

WRITTEN BY GINNY SPELLMAN, STAFF REPORTER Tim Hardy is returning to campus this November, again as the Christel DeHaan Visiting International Theatre Artist (V.I.T.A). Back in 2009 and 2011, Hardy graced Butler University’s Department of Theatre with his talents and insight on Shakespearean performance. Under the auspices of V.I.T.A., prominent theatre artists from abroad reside
