About Us

The Butler Collegian first appeared as a monthly newsmagazine in January 1886. It was started as a “medium of communication, which the students of the institution could use to acquaint themselves with the thoughts and characters of one another.” The 30-page paper was designed as a “spark to keep aglow the fire of enthusiasm and spirit.” The original Collegian sold for 15 cents. Since that founding, the Collegian has evolved to serve our readers within the campus community and beyond, in pursuit of rigorous and independent student journalism.

The Collegian is an independent student news organization that consists of a weekly newspaper and a news website. The newspaper is published in broadsheet format every Wednesday during the fall and spring semesters. Approximately 22 issues are published in an academic year, with an average length of 8 pages and a controlled circulation of 600 copies weekly. It is distributed in news racks throughout Butler University’s campus and the website is updated with each issue’s content, including a weekly email newsletter.

2024-25 Editorial Board

Leah Ollie | Editor-In-Chief | lollie@butler.edu

Reece Butler | Managing Editor | rmbutler@butler.edu

Aidan Gregg | Managing Editor | agregg1@butler.edu

Sarah Hohman | Managing Editor | shohman@butler.edu

Jasper Pilarz | News Co-Editor | lpilarz@butler.edu

Lily O’Connor | News Co-Editor | lkoconnor@butler.edu

Caleb Denorme | Sports Editor | cdenorme@butler.edu

Sawyer Goldwein | Assistant Sports Editor | sgoldwein@butler.edu

David Jacobs | Assistant Sports Editor | drjacobs@butler.edu

Emma McLean | Culture Co-Editor | emclean@butler.edu

Jack Williams | Culture Co-Editor | jrwilliams@butler.edu

Maddy Broderick | Assistant Culture Editor | mbroderick@butler.edu

Maddie Wood | Opinion Editor | mawood1@butler.edu

Anna Gritzenbach | Assistant Opinion Editor | agritzenbach@butler.edu

Piper Bailey | Multimedia Editor | pcbailey1@butler.edu

Jada Gangazha | Photo Editor | jgangazha@butler.edu

Abby Hoehn | Design Editor | amhoehn@butler.edu

Jia Skrudland | Marketing Manager | jskrudland@butler.edu

Anna Hauser | Assistant Marketing Manager | aehauser@butler.edu
