New year, new times

There are longer breaks between classes beginning this year, Multimedia Editor Eva Hallman reports.


When looking at class schedules or setting that alarm for an early morning class, students may have noticed some different start times and longer breaks between classes. Beginning this year class times start and end at non-traditional times. This allows for at least a 15-minute passing period between every class – compared to the previous 10 minutes. 

The Provost’s office states after acquiring South Campus, they noticed students struggling to get to their main campus classes in time. This change helps alleviate the rush for those students, although some believe the change was not necessary. Sophomore Elementary Education major  Noah Lipscomb shares that for him the change was not needed. 

“I hear a lot of people say this like really far away it’s really not that far away like you know lens of where things are on campus like and once you’ve done it a few times it doesn’t get as bad.” (LIPSCOMB) 

Hopefully in that extra time. You have some time to grab some Starbucks or get an extra 20 minutes of sleep. You might need it for that 8:20 a.m. class for the Butler Collegian. I’m Multimedia Editor, Eva Hallman. 



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