Butler hosts flu shot clinic this October

The flu vaccination will be available to all students on campus. Photo courtesy of Medical One.

MADELINE SMITH | STAFF REPORTER | mgsmith1@butler.edu

Butler is hosting a four-day-long flu shot clinic from Oct. 4 through Oct. 8 at the Health and Recreation Complex, HRC. Medical professionals from Employer Wellness Solutions Indiana will travel to campus to administer the shots. 

While walk-in appointments will be accepted, students are encouraged to schedule an appointment ahead of time through the scheduling system. Costs will be billed directly to the student’s insurance provider. Students have to bring a copy of their health insurance card to their appointment.

Director of Health Services Maxie Gardner said the university expects to see at least 50% of the student population at the clinic. She said Butler hopes to see as many students, staff and faculty as possible every time a health initiative takes place on campus. She said the clinic is convenient for students, and that it will help reduce instances of influenza on campus.

“We do provide some privacy during that clinic also, even though it takes place in an open area,” Gardner said. “We have curtains that staff put up, so you have privacy. It truly is just one easy way that you can take care of your health and not get the flu.” 

Sophomore psychology major Sarah Glasser plans to receive her shot at one of the upcoming clinics. Glasser said even though it is a small act, she hopes it keeps campus slightly safer.

“It’s important to stay vaccinated,” Glasser said. “Vaccines help and if I can stay even a little bit healthier because of them, then yeah, I’m going to get one.” 

In the United States, for the 2019-20 flu season, there were an estimated 35 million flu-related illnesses, 16 million medical visits for the flu, 380,000 flu-related hospitalizations and 20,000 deaths due to influenza. 

People with the flu can spread it to others by coughing, sneezing and talking. The infected droplets are easily transmitted and inhaled into the lungs, passing it on to others. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, said the influenza vaccination protects from contracting the flu, while also reducing the severity of the illness in people who are vaccinated and still catch the flu. 

First-year international business major Colin Weber believes that offering the clinic is a great way to keep campus healthy, while also allowing students to do what is best for their personal well-being.

“It’s great that we go to a school where the option is available to those who want it and maybe don’t have access to it otherwise,” Weber said. 


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