Three tips to embrace being single this cuffing season

Cuffing season is upon us. Photo courtesy of cosmaa via Shuttershock. 


It’s getting to that point in the semester. Temperatures are dropping, morale is low and the holidays are on the horizon. Spooky season is officially over, but the scariest time of year is looming. The time of commitment — also known as cuffing season — is among us. Cuffing season is a phenomenon in which people seek out and hope for a relationship, for alleged reasons such as loneliness around the holidays and wanting to keep warm during winter. Yuck. Whether you’re looking for a new boo or trying to become the best you, here are some tips to survive cuffing season.

1. Redefine cuffing

Just because temperatures are dropping does not mean that you have to drop your standards for a relationship. It’s 2019 not 1950 y’all. People do not need to be “cuffed” by another person in order to feel loved, validated, or happy, because we are all independent and strong people who are capable of loving, validating, and being happy by ourselves. Instead of seeking out a new relationship, focus your energy on bettering yourself by redefining what cuffing truly means. Spend the time that you could spend on a lackluster relationship and instead focus on your relationship with yourself. Improve those grades, think of some life goals, up your style or focus on your friendships. Cuff your jeans instead, and try to end the semester healthy, strong and single! 

2. Treat yourself

The holidays are coming, which means the fate of our bank accounts do not look hopeful. Starting a new relationship could mean having to buy your significant other gifts for the holidays, and who wants to do that? Avoid cuffing season by spending the money that would be spent on a significant other on yourself! Splurge and get that massage your tense shoulders have been urging you to get, or get a manicure to cover those nails that constantly get chewed on due to abundant stress. Feeling artsy? Indulge yourself and buy a ticket to Winterlights at Newfields or witness Butler Ballet’s renowned Nutcracker

3. Remain Cathartic Instead

Instead of clinging to the idea of domesticity and stability, embrace change this cuffing season and channel those lonely vibes by engaging in cathartic activities. Walk a different way to class, try a new dish at Atherton, get a new haircut or even a subtle face tattoo. There is no better time to try new things and become a better — or maybe just different — version of yourself. 

Though the holidays can be hard without a significant other by your side, look at the bright side. As a single person you can save money, focus on bettering yourself and embrace change instead.


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