Miren Mohrenweiser: scarves and bakery bookshops

Bulldogs of Butler




Sophomore Miren Mohrenweiser sits in her usual spot, a bench outside Residential College she occupies almost every afternoon, reading.
While the afternoon is chilly, Mohrenweiser doesn’t let the weather keep her from doing what she loves.
A few friends pass by, telling her, “Miren, it’s too cold to be outside!”
“No, it’s not!” she smiles back. “I’ve been outside all day!”
Her brown glasses are in place, her scarf is draped gracefully around her neck to keep her warm and her hair has been tied up in a knot, out of the way.
Her legs are curled up tight, and her eyes are focused on the words at hand.
Mohrenweiser, a history, French and English literature triple major, spends much of her time here, always curled up with books.
Her favorite books, naturally, are the classics.
“‘Pride and Prejudice’ is one of my faves, and also ‘A Tale of Two Cities’ by Charles Dickens,” she said.
Mohrenweiser said she is also “kind of obsessed with the French Revolution” and literature pertaining to that time period. She finished reading “Les Miserables” this summer and said she cried through the whole thing.
“It was great,” she laughed.
The first-year seminar she took last year covered Irish literature, so she’s been dabbling in that a little lately, too.
After she graduates from Butler with her plethora of degrees, Mohrenweiser wants to share her love of reading with others.
She said she hopes to open a used bookstore combined with a vegan, gluten-free bakery.
“I’m really good at baking, and I really like books, so I’m going to, maybe, combine them,” she said.
She said the idea just came to her one day, out of the blue.
Mohrenweiser is vegan herself, but her mom has recently gone gluten-free. While she was home for the summer, she “just experimented” with various vegan, gluten-free recipes, she said.
“I don’t know if it’s actually going to happen,” she said. “But yeah, bakery-bookshop.”



Photo by Erin Marsh

Mohrenweiser sits outside Residential College. Photo by Erin Marsh
