MORGAN LEGEL | Columnist
It’s no secret that Butler University’s popularity has spiked in recent years. But so have its problems.
As more students are being accepted to the university, problems have developed with regard to space on such a small campus. First, there were not enough parking spaces, and now, there is not enough class space.
Many students have expressed frustration with the online scheduling system. For students with early enrollment dates, scheduling is a breeze.
When it comes to students with later enrollment dates, they are not so lucky. Or so it seems.
All I heard from other students during scheduling was how classes were filling up or closed and how stressed out students were.
However, when I interviewed some students later, I got a much different response.
“None of my classes were closed this semester,” sophomore Katie Springston said. “I know, in the past, my professors have been really understanding when their sections close, and I’ve never had a problem getting in the classes I wanted, even if they were closed.”
Is it possible the frustration of scheduling is just a façade? Is it just another thing for students to gripe about?
Think about it for a second—how many students have not graduated on time solely due to scheduling conflicts? How many students have really not been able to fill up their schedule with classes, even if it’s not the specific one they wanted?
Most students are able to find away to work around their scheduling conflicts in order to graduate on time.
The scheduling conflicts that students gripe about may be an inconvenience and take time away from their daily schedules, but they are nothing new.
Students at every college have to schedule classes. There will always be a set amount of classes, with a set amount of students allowed in each section. You may not get the class you want, but you are not the only one dealing with the frustration.
First, take a deep breath. It is only temporary frustration, and it does no good to stress out about one class you cannot get in—even if it is a prerequisite to a necessary class. Everything will work out in the end, and you will graduate on time, with all your credits.
Second, look for another section of the class you want to take. Even if it is not at the desired time, if you really want the class, you will settle for any time.
You should also keep in mind, the administration knows the core classes fill up quickly. Sometimes they have other sections they are planning on adding on a specific date.
Advisers are a great advantage at this point. If you just email them and express your want and need to get into a class, they will help you as much as they can.
If finding another section is not possible, look for another class you can take in its place. Chances are, there’s a class at the exact time you want that you still need to in order to graduate.
Third, and finally, take another deep breath. You are done with scheduling for now. You have a full schedule next semester.
All in all, some students just make scheduling a greater conflict in their minds than it actually is. Just stay calm, and everything will work out.