By Rhyan Henson
A bright light is shining on the the NFL, but for all of the wrong reasons. Over the past week, the bullying scandal involving Jonathan Martin and Richie Incognito has been strewn across every newspaper and television in America. This crisis exposed a microcosm in society, the NFL locker room. A place where everything is backwards.
The most backwards of things is the alleged bullying that took place in the Miami Dolphins locker room is similar to many other locker rooms across the league.
The Dolphins locker room is a microcosm to the NFL society and, the Butler bubble is a microcosm of all other universities in this country.
Like every society in the world, Butler has its fair share of problems. While bullying is not Butlers greatest problem, it still exists on this campus.
Bullying takes on a different form in most college societies. Victim-blaming and hazing are the two most prevalent types of bullying seen in college, said Sara Schwatken, Erin Fulkerson and Laura Smalley, doctoral interns in the Counseling and Consultation Office located in the Health and Recreation Center. In 2008 more than half of all college students who were involved with greek life, athletics or student organizations experienced some form of hazing, according to a survey by the University of Maine.
Bullying at Butler is on par with other universities that some of the doctoral interns have worked at.
It is also very common for victim blaming to occur in sexual assault cases. This is another common example in college.
These are the two most prevalent acts of bullying, according to the Counseling and Consultation Office.
Many times depression or anxiety shows up as a result of hazing or bullying.
The HRC offers several options as ways to cope with the challenges that come with bullying.
There are many things that go into treating the symptoms of bullying. The most important thing according to the panel of doctoral interns, is reaching out and handling issues with someone whether it is a doctor, family member or friend. Reaching out and breaking the silence is the first and most important step in treating the symptoms of any type of bullying. The Couciling and Consultation Services recommend that even if one is unsure if they need help, to seek it anyway.
The Counseling and Consultation Services offers group and private sessions to anyone who needs them. Students can come in however many times they like. The counseling office prefers if students set up appointments, and they welcome any and all students.
In terms of physical or aggressive bullying BUPD would handle those issues. Indiana is one of many states that have anti-hazing laws, so students who would need help handling those issues have a solution.
Students should remember to reach out even when in doubt. Bullying, hazing and victim blaming are real issues within the Butler bubble.