By Marais Jacon-Duffy
Homecoming week will remain one of my most cherished memories of my time at Butler.
The week is full of fun activities that display students’ artistic and creative capacities and promote bonding among different campus groups as well as Butler pride and spirit.
So I feel bad for students who believe this week is not for them—that homecoming is strictly a “Greek event.”
I’ve heard the complaints in class, at work on campus and in the Starbucks line. Independent students call the week stupid and childish, focused only on Greek houses.
If these students truly dislike homecoming and its events, they should not participate in any events. But any complaints that the week does not welcome independent students are misinformed.
Everyone in residence halls— as well as commuters—are paired with Greek houses and are encouraged to participate in all events. These groups also have queen and king candidates who are just as likely to win as any Greek contestant.
When students complain these events are only for Greek students, I would like to argue the trend they may perceive is a product of their own lacking of participation in homecoming festivities.
The idea that homecoming is a Greek event is perpetuated by independent students’ rejection of the event itself.
If independent students want a larger role in homecoming, they should actually participate in the week’s events.
Junior David Harting is not affiliated with a Greek house, but he participated in homecoming activities every year he has been at Butler.
“I think there are a lot of opportunities for non-Greek students to get involved, but they rarely take those opportunities,” Harting said.
Harting, an RA, has participated in Ross Hall’s campaigning committees every year.
Junior Katie Califano said she only met one non-Greek student during her homecoming experience last year.
“Our house was paired with the commuters, and the only commuter I ever saw during homecoming week was the queen contestant,” Califano said.
While I don’t necessarily disagree with the students who say that homecoming is a Greek-heavy event, I would argue that it isn’t the fault of Greek students nor the homecoming system.
The reason homecoming seems to be exclusively Greek oriented is because of the lacking participation of independent students. Rather than just complain, these students could very easily make a change and make homecoming less of a “Greek event” and more of a “Butler event.”