Opinion | Close quarters should decrease housing costs

With more students enrolling at Butler, housing costs should remain the same or decrease.
As more students enroll at the university each year, residence halls are becoming more and more crowded. No residence halls are being constructed, which means more and more students are being crammed into an inadequate space.
If Butler continues to admit record numbers of freshmen into the school, something is going to have to give.
Ross and Schwitzer Halls are no five-star hotels, so students should not be made to live in over- crowded conditions in an already less than desirable location.
Simple math should tell administrators that if they fit more people in the same amount of space, then the price should be less because it is dispersed between more people.
Although the school opened up Christian Theological Seminary apartments  this year, every year the freshman class is bigger than the previous year’s.
We are at the point now where we are at capacity.
Some three-person rooms in Ross currently house four people. Those residents are paying a reduced rate, but the more people who use the bathrooms and facilities will certainly have an impact on the facilities’ wear and hygiene.
If it only costs so much money to maintain residence halls, then the school should disperse this cost between however many students are living in them.
If the school will not allow students to live comfortably, they should at least allow students to live at reduced rates.

