Danko announces chair of Provost Search Committee

Butler University President Jim Danko announced the selection of Dr. Joe Kirsch as the chair of the Provost Search Committee in an email to Butler faculty and staff on Monday.

Kirsch, a chemistry professor, currently holds a John Hume Reade Professorship in the Sciences at Butler and is a coordinator within the Engineering Dual Degree Program.

Monday’s email provided an update on the provost search process.

The first Search Committee meeting was Thursday, Feb. 9.

Danko said that issues discussed at the meeting included the selection of a committee chair, the search process timeline, the importance of maintaining confidentiality about sensitive issues and candidates, the pros and cons of using a search firm and the issue of an open versus closed search process.

The committee unanimously agreed that recruiting and interviewing for the provost position would be delayed until the 2012-13 academic year.

Danko said the committee will use the remainder of the current semester and the summer to fully develop the position description and expectations.

Dr. Kate Morris will serve as interim provost through the 2012-13 academic year, with a permanent provost taking over at the start of the 2013-14 academic year.

Provost Search Committee:

Priscilla Arling, COB

Kathryn Brooks, COE

Ronald Caltabiano, JCFA

Kenneth Creech, CCOM

Penny Dimmick, JCFA

Tom Fischer, Board of Trustees

Hilene Flanzbaum, LAS

Levester Johnson, Student Affairs

Joseph Kirsch, LAS – Committee Chair

Robert Marcus, Financial Planning

Antonio Menendez, LAS

Sondrea Ozolins, Registrar

Josh Petrusa, Library

Carmen Salsbury, LAS

Jennifer Snyder, COPHS

Lisa Walton, Ex-Officio, HR

Denise Williams, COB




