Tag Archives: college

Nine or 19? Being a college kid is being a kid all over again

KATHLEEN BERRY | OPINION COLUMNIST | keberry@butler.edu Sitting cafeteria-style during meals, eating ice cream on the daily, sleeping in bunk beds, stopping to pet every dog you see and using a bike as your primary mode of transportation may all seem like activities lost to the same years spent on a set of monkey bars.

Why college students should be excited for a new governor in Indiana

MADI MCGUIRE | OPINION COLUMNIST | mjmcguir@butler.edu This election season has been hectic, to say the least, and seems to be the topic of many college students’ conversations. The presidential election is certainly important, but Indiana residents have even more with which to concern themselves. Gov. Mike Pence accepted the Republican vice presidential nomination. This

OPINION | Students should learn, not just pass

For me, high school was a time when my extracurricular activities outweighed my school work. I’d put my time into my school work at school, but my hours outside of school were spent playing sports, participating in various school clubs and spending time with family and friends. I really didn’t have to sit down and

Professor seeks to lead students

By Teresa Brooks College is the time in a person’s life where he or she  can begin to grow, not only as an academic, but as their own person.  That’s why college professors are so important to students—they help people find themselves. Margaret Brabant, a political science professor and chair of the faculty senate, knows

Cease-fire from cyberbullying

Bullying occurs in schools everyday. More popular kids consistently pick on less popular kids. I’m not validating bullying, I’m just recognizing that it happens on a daily basis in schools and campuses across the country. However, the recent spike in bullying, and subsequent suicide is too much for me to ignore. On Sept. 22, Rutgers

Media programs merge in new college

Earlier this summer, Butler finalized the process of creating its sixth college—The College of Communication—which will integrate all of the existing communications and media programs under one roof. The decision was the result of a proposal made last year by several of Butler’s communication and media departments. “There have been two failed attempts to try
