Butler Collegian Advertising Policy and Rates
1/4 Page: $100 (3.75 x 5)
1/2 Page: $200 (7.5 x 5)
Full Page: $400 (7.5 x 10)
Deadlines: All copy and graphics concerning an ad must arrive by noon the Friday prior to Wednesday’s publication. All copy and graphics received after this time will not be run on the desired date. Insertion orders must be in place two weeks prior to publication and received by The Butler Collegian the Tuesday prior to the next Wednesday’s publication date.
Preferred Placement: All ads will be placed at the ad manager’s discretion. Preferred placement can be requested, but no guarantees will be made. Policy excludes special offers.
Payment: Upon purchasing advertising space, each client must sign a contract that includes billing information. The Collegian requests payment up front. Late payment will result in a late fee, comprised of 1.5 percent of original bill. Repeat offenders will have ads pulled until the situation is resolved.
Acceptance Policy: The Collegian staff reserves the right to edit, properly classify, cancel or decline any ad. We will not knowingly accept advertising and discriminates on the basis of sex, age, religion, race, national origin, physical disability or sexual orientation. Please report all errors promptly. If the error is the fault of The Butler Collegian, adjustments will be made.
Advertising Rates:
The following rates are subject to change and are considered “standard rates.” Promotional rates/discounts not listed. An additional 20 percent will be added for CMYK-color ads. The dimensions of the ad sizes are shown in column inches (1.85 in x actual inches). For example, a 2×6 ad equals 2 columns (3.70 inches) by 6 inches.
One-Issue Run $8/pci
3×3 $72
2×6 $96
3×6 $144
Quarter Page (3×10.5) $252
6×6 $288
Half Page (6×10.5) $441 – $7/pci
Full Page (6×21) $882 – $7/pci
Three-Issue Run $7/pci
3×3 $63
2×6 $84
3×6 $126
Quarter Page (3×10.5) $220
6×6 $252
Half Page (6×10.5) $378 – $6/pci
Full Page (6×21) $756 – $6/pci
Six-Issue Run $6.50/pci
3×3 $58
2×6 $78
3×6 $117
Quarter Page (3×10.5) $205
6×6 $234
Half Page (6×10.5) $346 – $5.50/pci
Full Page (6×21) $693 – $5.50/pci
Semester Run $6/pci
3×3 $54
2×6 $72
3×6 $108
Quarter Page (3×10.5) $189
6×6 $216
Half Page (6×10.5) $315 – $5/pci
Full Page (6×21) $630 – $5/pci
Full-run (2,600 papers) $750
Maximum insert size: 8.5″x11″
Online Advertising Rates
One Week
125×125 pixels $50
300×250 pixels $70
468×60 pixels $80
Four Weeks
125×125 pixels $150
300×250 pixels $230
468×60 pixels $270
125×125 pixels $450
300×250 pixels $690
468×60 pixels $810
Maximum of two weeks $25
One week $100
Four weeks $350
Semester $1,000
Advertising Packages and Design Service
Purchase any print ad and receive 15 percent off any size online ad for one week. The Butler Collegian also offers design services. Contact Melissa Iannuzzi at advertising@butler.edu to discuss these services and other potential package ideas.
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