Tag Archives: Jordan Hall

OPINION | Fans should support more than basketball

Homefield advantage means nothing when students do not attend spring sporting events. I would expect Jordan Hall or the library to be empty on the weekend. However, I wouldn’t expect this at one of the many athletic competitions that go on every weekend. Student attendance at sports games this spring has been very low. At

Finals Survival Guide | The best places to study. The best ways to avoid the stress. The best ways to make it out alive.

Finding the right study space There are places all around campus that have yet to be completely discovered by many students, making them the perfect study locations on campus. While walking from Starbucks to Jordan Hall, it might seem like there is a greenhouse on the third floor of Jordan.  That is actually a study

Jordan Hall study space in short supply

Classrooms in Jordan Hall are used extensively for both personal and group studying after hours, but most classroom doors are locked on Friday night and not unlocked until Monday morning, making finding space to study difficult for the weekend scholar and student. Sophomore economics and management information systems major Brooke Robinson said she encountered this
