Tag Archives: indiana general assembly

BUPD reacts to possible gun laws

In the months following the Sandy Hook shootings, lawmakers have been looking for effective security measures to employ at campuses around the country. A bill proposed to the Indiana General Assembly would allow college students to carry concealed weapons. While the bill would not affect Butler because it is a private institution, the bill still

Education reform affects future teachers

While heated education reform debates across the nation are reaching an apex, many professionals in the education field believe legislators are focusing too much on the placement and control of power instead of students’ best interests. Issues being addressed by legislatures in Indiana and other states include the expansion of charter schools and voucher programs,

STAFF EDITORIAL | Political games hurt Indiana

The state of Wisconsin garnered nationwide attention when legislation was proposed to cut the collective bargaining rights of state employees. Even more interesting was the Senate Democrats fleeing to Illinois to avoid voting on the measure and stalling the legislative process. In Indiana, Democrats in the House of Representatives followed suit and on Feb. 22,
