There will always be senior houses available to rent, but you may want to start looking sooner rather than later if you have specifics in mind.
Five words you need to start saying
I’ve saved you the work of researching cool words, so now all you have to do is memorize them.
Seasonal allergies or natural selection?
I believe we all owe seasonal allergies a thank-you: allergies serve as a massive arrow pointing to the weaklings of the world.
An inexperienced napper’s quest for sleep
I have consulted the most experienced nappers on campus and compiled their tips and tricks for the most ideal rest possible.
Hot people have stuffed animals
You may be asking yourself how a fabric sack full of stuffing could possibly make a person more attractive. Like you, I once associated stuffed animals with people who just couldn’t grow up. I equated stuffed animal hugging with thumb-sucking. However, these sacks of stuffing are warm, comforting and they make you hotter; there are no cons –– only pros.
Your friend is not your therapist
No matter how heroic and strong your friends may seem, they have problems of their own.
The shorts epidemic of Butler University
My worst nightmare is not a pit of snakes nor is it falling from a great height. My worst nightmare is every Butler student waking up and deciding to wear shorts in 30-degree weather.