In this series, columnist Douglas Roche III provides ideas that will enhance your Sundays. Prepare yourself for the upcoming week by getting yourself in the right state of mind and improving your overall well-being.
For your health: Healthy holiday habits
The holidays are a great time to catch up with family and recharge, but they also present an opportunity to add an unwanted gobble to your gullet. In light of the festivities on the horizon, I met with university dietician Brooke Pearson to discuss strategies students can use to stay healthy while enjoying the holidays.…
For your health: wellness on tap
Imagine a drink that energizes, increases muscle volume, improves cognitive performance, curbs appetite, lifts your mood and cures hangovers—all while registering at zero calories. This wonder drink is actually a reality. In fact, it’s on tap. Chemists call it oxidane. We know it as water. We all know water is important, but how much H2O…