Search Results for: audrey meyer

Think twice about studying abroad

CHRISTIAN HARTSELLE | | Opinion Columnist Butler students should be more cautious of study abroad programs. Sometimes, students rush to study abroad without fully considering whether or not the program is right for them. When students decide where they want to travel and in what programs they want to enroll, some don’t take advantage...

October Overload

ALEXIS PRICE | | Opinion Columnist Breast cancer. AIDS. Domestic violence. Healthy babies. Dental hygiene. All five of these causes have October dedicated as its awareness month. But these are not the only five; October is dedicated to a total of 18 different awareness subjects. Despite this, October is commonly known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month,...

Avoid the “easy” A

ALEX BARTLOW | | Opinion Columnist We all know the phrase “C’s get degrees.” Some students are perfectly OK with that. However, there are a number of us, myself included, who want to be more than just average students. With mid-terms right around the corner, college students locally and nationally are pushing themselves and their professors...

Comfort at a cost

JUSTINA KAISER | | Contributing Columnist For an environment dedicated to future success, many Butler University students look a little too comfortable. Some students dress professionally, but, unless a group presentation is at stake, most appear to dress down rather than up. Students shuffle past in T-shirts and jeans. Some professors share the same...

Ease off the Yak

PAIGE LISTON | | Opinion Columnist The increasingly popular phone application, Yik Yak, will celebrate its one-year anniversary this November, and Butler students have joined the frenzy. Tyler Droll and Brooks Buffington, graduates of Furman University in South Carolina and the creators of Yik Yak, now own the third-ranked program in the iTunes App Store,...

As sickness spreads, stick to the script

PAIGE LISTON | | Opinion Columnist Between studying for exams and making time for an active social life, college students tend to forget about their personal health. This is especially true now, at the beginning of the year, when some students are struggling to make the transition to college life. Julie Howerton, director of health...

Diversity is not a number, it is a state of mind

JULIAN WYLLIE | Columnist Butler University is not racially or ethnically diverse in comparison to other college institutions, from a statistical standpoint. Thirteen percent of Butler students who enrolled in the fall of 2012 are considered racial minorities. However, the national average is more than 30 percent, according to the National Center for Education Statistics....

‘Tis the season to not complain

Cartoon by Audrey Meyer By Mitch Riportella It seems every year Christmas rolls around a tad earlier than the  last. It is not uncommon to see a Christmas car commercial with one of those 30-pound red bows before making it to Thanksgiving. This understandably turns off a lot of people who feel constant marketing ruins...
