Author Archives: scoffing

From Sudan to Indy

CAMERON ALFORD | STAFF REPORTER Freshman Reem Negash, a political science and psychology major and sociology minor, says that making others happy is her focus in life. It can be “making someone laugh if they are feeling bad…it’s like an external force that helps me feel better about myself,” she said. Negash was born in

Like mother, like daughter

KATIE GOODRICH | STAFF REPORTER Diane Timmerman, chair of Butler University’s theatre department, applied to teach a two-week class in Rome almost two years ago. At the same time, her daughter was applying to colleges. Timmerman emailed a friend about doing an acting workshop more than a year in advance to prepare for her upcoming

Faith, love and music

NATALIE BLOOM | STAFF REPORTER Clowes Memorial Hall was full of life on Feb. 7 as the 26th Annual Gospel Fest took the stage. Featuring a variety of local and professional performers, the festival exposed its audience to a range of powerful gospel hits. Some of the pieces presented were joyful and upbeat, while others

Maurice Manning

WESLEY SEXTON | STAFF REPORTER Maurice Manning read poetry from his new book “The Gone and the Going Away” Tuesday night in the Krannert Room of Clowes Memorial Hall. Manning’s first professorial position was at Indiana University Bloomington, and he greeted many of his former students from the podium. He also took time between poems

Bulldogs of Butler: Ryan Straugh

SARAH COFFING | CULTURE EDITOR Sophomore Ryan Straughn has just returned from a long day of classes: physics, differential equations and Spanish. Straughn is a sophomore mechanical engineering and physics major from Elburn, Illinois. “I wasn’t prepared for today,” he said. Like many Butler students, Straughn had been hoping for a two-hour delay this morning.

International love

CAMERON ALFORD | STAFF REPORTER Some say home is where the heart is. For freshman Noemi Ponzoni, Butler University captured her heart. Ponzoni, an international studies major, is from Milan, Italy. Compared to schools in her country, “Butler feels a lot more like a community,” she said. But Butler is not her first encounter with

Study abroad series: A day in Pompeii

KATIE GOODRICH | STAFF REPORTER Sophomore arts administration major Gabi Randall has taken many art classes in her time at Butler University. Until now, however, she had yet to take an art class in Italy–which would include a field trip to Pompeii. She took an introductory theatre class last year, which showed her all the

Cocoa in the cold

ALLISON REITZ | STAFF REPORTER In the brisk cold wind, January seems to just snow on the parade at Butler University, keeping everyone tucked away in their warm toasty rooms. However, there is one thing that can draw any college student out of bed on a cold winter night: hot cocoa. Kappa Alpha Theta, commonly

Ice, ice baby

NATALIE BLOOM | STAFF REPORTER During the warmer months, it is easy to find many things to do in the hustle and bustle of Indy. Whether it be walking around Broad Ripple or exploring the city, there’s always something to do during a study break. However, with rapid snowfall and chilling temperatures taking over Indianapolis, Butler

The city from all angles

CAMERON ALFORD | STAFF REPORTER   Freshman Jaquell Hamelin, a Chicago native, said “there is beauty in the struggle” of leaving his hometown to come to school in Indianapolis. Hamelin, a sociology major and social work minor, sees the issues of living in Chicago every day, but he still considers his hometown a special place.
