OPINION | Full liberal arts education needed

The liberal arts focus at Butler University is an integral part of students’ educational experience.

This becomes especially important during scheduling, when it is much easier to notice and disparage the problems with the core curriculum.

Although the core curriculum needs some improvements, students must not forget the importance of a liberal arts education.

The process of scheduling can be frustrating, but it can still bear worthwhile results if approached with an open mind.

The main point of education is to enrich one’s mind, explore multiple fields of thought and grapple with one’s own worldview.

Unfortunately, many students tend to believe the purpose of education is to prepare for future jobs.

In fact, 85 percent of high school students and 59 percent of college graduates list “qualifying for a better job/preparing for a career” as a primary reason to attend college, according to a study by Richard Hersh.

Training and preparation for future professions should not be condemned.

But focusing solely on upcoming careers misses liberal arts educaton’s bigger picture and purpose.

Students often disapprove of Butler’s core curriculum, especially when it involves courses that fall outside their majors or—put more directly—courses that won’t tie directly into their career paths.

Instead of embracing opportunities to expand their minds, students write off these interdisciplinary courses.

This is incredibly problematic and telling.

Students receive this opportunity that a number of other people are shut out from, and they scoff at it.

The core curriculum is well-publicized before a student enrolls at Butler.

In this sense, people should know what they are getting into when they enroll at Butler and have no reason to complain because they chose to attend a liberal arts university.

Students who have general knowledge about subjects outside their specialization will likely have a wider array of employment opportunities.

That said, the core curriculum does have a few kinks that need to be worked out, such as limitations it puts on students’ schedules.

But instead of decrying the liberal arts education or demanding the core be reworked for each major, students should think of ways to improve its current state.

Otherwise, Butler students will miss out on one of the most enriching, positive experiences they could have: an eye-opening education.


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