Butler University Dance Marathon 2022


Students gathered in Clowes Hall to raise money for Riley Hospital for Children. Photos by Francie Wilson. 

CODY KLUNGSETH | STAFF REPORTER | cklungseth@butler.edu 

Over $283,000 was raised for Riley Hospital for Children during Butler’s Dance Marathon which began on Feb. 12. The 12 hour event lasted from 12:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. in the lobby of Clowes Hall. 

Junior finance major Quinn Carlson said he was drawn to participate in the event for his second year because of the cause. 

“I wanted to get involved with BUDM because I know I heard about it on campus and I wanted to support a great cause,” Carlson said. “Supporting the children of Riley Children’s Hospital, you know, they’re kids who are significantly less fortunate than myself.” 

First-year strategic communication major Samantha Plumridge attended her first dance marathon this weekend, and she said participating in the event allowed her to better understand its importance.

“It was really cool to see the amount of people that were there to be committed to raising money for people at [Riley Children’s Hospital] and it was super fun to see everyone being happy there,” Plumridge said. 

According to BUDM’s website, half of the money will go to pediatric cancer research and the other half will go to other areas of Riley hospital. 

Hearing about how the event positively affects the lives of those at the Riley Hospital is what made the event worth it for first-year exploratory business major Aidan Cran.

“I enjoyed being able to give back to the community by raising money for a great cause,” Cran said. “It was a fulfilling experience as I got to hear multiple stories from Riley kids on how the money we raise for Riley’s Children’s Hospital makes a real difference and can help provide lifesaving and life-changing care for these great kids.” 


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