Butler platforms provide work opportunities and connections

BlueWork and Bulldogs Connect help provide students with connections and job opportunities. Collegian file photo.

ADDYSON ARCHER | STAFF REPORTER | amarcher@butler.edu

Butler provides two platforms, Bulldogs Connect and BlueWork, to help students with the stresses of networking and finding jobs. Both online resources, the platforms aim to help students achieve their career goals. 

Bulldogs Connect is a resource where students can connect with Butler alumni to help them with job searching, interviews and building connections. Butler career advisor Sierra Mathews, who works with Bulldogs Connect in the Career and Professional Success, CAPS, office, said the program is great for students looking to find jobs or connections within their career field. 

“The difference [between LinkedIn and Bulldogs Connect] is in Bulldogs Connect, every single alum on the site has opted in to help students,” Mathews said. “Whereas on LinkedIn, you can reach out to people … [but] you may never get a response. It’s like breadth versus depth. LinkedIn is broad. Bulldogs Connect is meant to go deep.” 

BlueWork is a new method for students to find jobs or internships with low time commitments, such as short-term projects that are posted by employers. BlueWork has only been in effect for a year, but the program has already helped students find local projects and internships. 

BlueWork community engagement coordinator Carly Gundaker hopes the program gains more traction over time. 

“You don’t have to over-commit yourself, and you’re able to work with someone in a more relaxed setting,” Gundaker said. “You can work from the comfort of your dorm, but still feel like you’re being productive and working towards your future in a positive way.” 

Senior finance major Rachael Howard enrolled in BlueWork in the spring and took on multiple different projects. The skills she learned in BlueWork progressed beyond the program. 

“I find myself now interviewing for internships and postgraduate opportunities and I constantly bring up experiences I had in BlueWork,” Howard said. “Looking back, [BlueWork] was really beneficial.”

All Butler students can register an account on Bulldogs Connect and BlueWork using their Butler email address.

Students can learn more about BlueWork and Bulldogs Connect through the Career and Professional Success office.


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