Back to in-person class fashion

With class resuming in-person, students now have the opportunity to show off their style — aside from behind a computer screen. Photo by Julian Cirnigliaro.


After three semesters impacted by COVID-19, students are back to in-person classes. The question now remains as to whether students will be going all out, or if they have become accustomed to their quarantine sweats. 

Butler students have always had a unique and wide variety of styles when going to class in pre-COVID-19 times. During quarantine, some students have expanded their wardrobes and are subsequently showing off their new outfits, while others have fallen in love with the comfort that Zoom classes provided. 

Senior pharmacy major Clare Hooper said that she loved being able to wear whatever she wanted while taking classes online and that she is looking to bring that comfort to the classroom. 

“I wore pajamas during Zoom classes [and] now I wear athletic clothes to class, which I guess some people may consider pajamas,” Hooper said. Compared to the nicer clothes she wore before COVID-19, her comfortable clothing choices show how online classes have changed her style. 

With classes resuming in-person this year, students are able to express their styles and show off their personalities better than they would behind a computer screen. Luke Kite, a senior recording industry studies major, said that although his style has not changed much since going online, he tries to make an effort when it comes to looking good for class. 

“I think we want to express our style after not really having the opportunity during Zoom classes,” Kite said. 

On the other hand, students who miss the comfort of doing class from their beds have continued to incorporate wearing sweatpants and athletic clothes into their outfits. Bryson Tetter, senior pharmacy major, discussed how he always tries to look good, but as the weeks get long and stressful, comfort becomes a top priority for him. 

“I like to look good at the beginning of the week, but at the end of the week I dress for comfort,” Tetter said.

The variety of clothing that students have chosen to wear in their first week back shows just how much has changed since COVID-19 sent schools online in 2020. Students who enjoy fashion and want to put effort into their outfits every day have taken full advantage of being back in person.  

Clothing choices are one way that students can put their best foot forward and make a good impression for themselves. ‘Look good, do good’ is a motto that many students seem to be applying to their first semester back in person. Conversely, the students that have chosen to keep up their leisurely clothes are allowing themselves to maintain the utmost comfort during their long days in the classroom. Looking out on campus you can see which students are showing off their new fits and which students have added their comfy clothes into their everyday style.