OPINION | Students must find balance

College is a time to explore interests, but balancing interests with school and social life is the key to success during this time.
College provides students time to find and develop their passions and discover what careers they want to pursue after college.
More than 165 student groups exist at Butler University, so there are plenty of opportunities available for all students to get involved.
While trying a multitude of activities is good, students can over-involve themselves just to say they are active on campus.
As students get older, some feel they are expected to be involved in multiple clubs as resume boosters.
Meeting people one would have otherwise not known or getting to do things one would have never had the chance to do are some benefits of joining on-campus groups.
In spite of these benefits, being spread too thin could be detrimental to any student’s overall success.
The pressure and stress of doing too much could have negative mental, physical and academic impacts on any individual.
Butler is good at attracting students with a great deal of drive and initiative.
With all of the motivation and opportunities on campus, students need to find a good balance of school, extracurricular activities and free time.

