While pumpkin spice body wash may take fall a little too far, there should not be any shame in enjoying the season. Instead, embrace it in all its earthy, pleasantly-decaying glory. Here are 10 songs to really immerse yourself in the present ephemeral moment.
How to celebrate Halloween safely
Right now, the scariest part of the spooky season is continuing to avoid contracting COVID-19. The options are slim, so what exactly can students do this year?
Popping the Butler bubble: Indy-area activities to take advantage of
Even though fall semester breaks have been cancelled, students can explore the Indianapolis area.
Fall activities and events in Indy
Get in the fall spirit with these can’t-miss activities around Indianapolis.
You can’t miss these fall activities in Indy
Fall is here, and coming with it are a number of fun activities for everyone in and around Indianapolis.
Fall to-do list
Columnist creates a to-do list for Butler students and Indianapolis residents this fall. See what you can check off this season!
Fall in love with October
Autumn on Butler University’s campus. Photo from Flickr. CARISSA MARQUARDT | OPINION EDITOR | cfmarqua@butler.edu It may not feel like it, but it is official: fall has arrived. This time last year I was becoming an icicle at a renaissance fair, red-nosed and numb-fingered thanks to a relentless sprinkle of frozen rain. This time last…
Fall into Autumn
WRITTEN BY BRYNN ERDY, CONTRIBUTING REPORTER Leaves are changing into beautiful reds and golds, Starbucks patrons line up for pumpkin spice lattes, jeans and sweatshirts emerge from the bottom of closets, football games consume weekend afternoons and the smell of spices and cinnamon flows from the kitchen. It is officially fall. From pumpkin patches to…
Autumn Rhapsody
[tab: Article] The air is getting crisp, the leaves are turning and pumpkin spice lattés abound. It’s this time of year that makes Butler look like the perfect campus, with students walking to class in their cardigans and boots; big trees turning from green to yellow and orange; and organizations sitting outside Starbucks, organizing for…