Meet the SGA candidates

Applications for Student Government Association president are in, and the candidates have begun the race to become next year’s student body leader.

The candidates will participate in a meet and greet this afternoon at Starbucks from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Their first debate is slated for Feb. 23, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the pharmacy building, room 150.

To senior political science major Kevin Scoleri, the winning candidate will be one who can command trust from the students.

“Students are the life-blood of the university,” he said. “You have to have people who care, people who you can trust to put power in their hands.”

Before the first debate this afternoon, the candidates gave The Collegian a closer look at their platforms.

Josh Grant – sophomore

In his application for SGA president, Grant, a pledge to Sigma Chi, said, “My aim is to diffuse the unique atmosphere and limitless opportunities that define Butler University to all students, staff and members of the surrounding community, thereby elevating the institution to new and promising heights.”

Mike Keller – sophomore

Grants committee chairman Keller’s presidential platform is built around strengthening the classgovernment, revamping the public relations board, reorganizing grants committee policies and creating a Butler SGA app for smart phones.

“We [SGA] rely too much on simple posters  and bulletin boards to get our message out,” Keller said.

Keller said, “We need to be more active in social media and also pursue other areas to publicize.” Keller is also a part of Delta Tau Delta, the service fraternity Alpha Phi Omega and is the Class of 2014 treasurer.

Katie Palmer – Sophomore

Palmer, the president of the Class of 2014, has built her presidential campaign around campus unity.

“As SGA president, I would work relentlessly toward increased communication and cooperation between SGA and the student body, Greek students and independent students, the media and SGA, class officers and SGA and the administration and the student body as a whole,” Palmer said. SGA transparency and the reorganization of the Public Relations Board are other issues Palmer hopes to tackle.  Palmer is also involved with Pi Beta Phi and is a Schwitzer Hall resident assistant.

Kelsa Reynolds – Junior

The current SGA vice president of operations has thrown her hat into the election ring.  In her presidential platform, Reynolds stresses the importance of student-sponsored events.

“I will strongly support the growing arts department and programs, athletics, Greek philanthropy events, independent students sponsored programming and diversity programming that will take place on campus throughout the upcoming school year,” Reynolds said in her presidential application. Reynolds also said she wants to evaluate the need for the GPS shuttle tracking system, promote the Diversity Center as soft space on campus, and create a monthly “save the date” announcement for SGA sponsored events. Reynolds is also a student orientation guide and the student orientation coordinator.


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